The sniper spread the anemometer and carefully looked at it. Then he carefully adjusted the sight of the sniper rifle bit by bit. His face was painted with black paint and he was dressed in a piece of cloth to disguise himself. It looked as if he was leaning against a big tree and a pile of wasteland.

Once again, while slowly adjusting his muzzle, he said softly, "I pray to the Emperor for mercy. Please take the suffering away from me. Send the great Fuhrer to us so that we can be invincible forever … I will help you save the world and send their lives back to your arms-if your arms also include hell! Amen! "
"Can’t you change some new words?" His assistant leaning against the big tree left the pie mouth and vomited.
Ignoring the noisy assistant, he was so familiar with his movements that it seemed as if he had rehearsed several times in advance. The old sniper continued to mutter about his sentences that a generation didn’t seem to change, and looked across the river through the scope.
About five kilometers behind the sniper, a fairly flat hillside, dozens of German soldiers are jacking and other tools are fixed with several Frederick rockets. This is the rocket launcher unit directly under the military level, which is regarded as the first choice for artillery mobile support weapons because of its good maneuverability and fire assault.
"Have you chosen the shooting angle?" An officer asked the adjutant who reported to him on the hillside
The adjutant saluted and replied, "Sir! Everything is ready. A few days before the Soviets arrived, we had mapped the nearby military map to the meter. "
As he spoke, ten rocket launchers over there have adjusted the angle of the launching orbit behind them, and the machine friction made a harsh sound, but this is a symphony of science and technology, which is sharp but very beautiful-at least very beautiful to our own people.
A few dozen kilometers back from this artillery position, a huge lawn, two heads painted bright yellow, and the propellers of fw19d fighters are spinning rapidly. These two fighters with wing bombs and auxiliary fuel tanks seem to be going to execute a complicated plane with more on one side.
"Eagle 1 is ready! Can take off! " A German pilot wearing an oxygen mask in the cabin called the ground control tower. "I was ordered to go to the area where there may be fighting to expel Soviet planes and bomb valuable ground targets."
"Eagle 2 is ready! The captain is the same, "said his wingman.
The tower voice came through the earphone. "Don’t fly over the temporary border first this time. Please be restrained before the other party has a fire. Do you understand?"
"Eagle No.1 White!" "Eagle 2, yes!" The two answers were clear, and there were many answers behind them, "Eagle No.3 White!" " "Eagle 4 is ready!" "Eagle 15, yes."
"Approve your take-off!" The commander at the tower ordered that twenty fighter planes take off in turn on the runway not far away, forming a huge flying formation at the airport.
"Mid-team leader! Are the Soviets crazy? " A pilot joked with a smile on the intercom, "You can’t beat Poland. Do you want to make up for us today?"
"Shut up! Don’t despise an enemy! " There was a heavy voice in the intercom. "Be careful later! I don’t want to lose a plane here! Long live the Fuhrer! Fly into the clouds! "
"yes! Long live the Fuhrer! " All the pilots replied.
"comrades! Attention! Please ask the political commissar to lecture! " A colonel made room for a political worker.
"The motherland needs you! Comrades! There are evil Germans ahead! They once expelled our comrades and slaughtered our best friends! It’s time for blood out! We want our comrades to avenge themselves! " The political commissar shouted, "Everyone got enough food this morning, right? So! Attack! "
"Fire!" An officer in the artillery position waved the flag and the Soviet 152 mm howitzer "boom" fired a Soviet Red Army commander in the command post. He glanced at the political commissar around him and suddenly felt a strange feeling of stabbing a hornet’s nest.
A 152 mm howitzer hit a two-story wooden building in the center of a German town, which was destroyed by shells, leaving a huge crater on the ground, and then explosions kept coming. It seems that Soviet shells were aimed at this town.
About a few hundred meters away from the town, a staff member of the German front command post came to a major general with Wen. "General! The headquarters of the National Defence Force came to the head of state to order a counterattack! "
The major general put his telescope on one side of the walkie-talkie and ordered, "Long live the Fuehrer! The army counterattacked! Give me a good beating. "
Only a few minutes before the fire hit the first shell, the Soviet Union set out for the position, and the Frederic rocket launcher covered the Soviet infantry who were slowly moving on the ground in an instant.
It’s like a fertile field full of rice turned into a desolate moon surface, and the power of Frederick rocket launcher to prepare infantry attack was once again proved. This time, a volley destroyed the Soviet artillery position and killed half of the infantry.
However, the nightmare of the Soviets is far from over, followed by the Frederic rockets, that is, the German 15 mm heavy artillery and 75 mm field howitzers attacked these artillery because of their complete coordinates and hidden German observation posts. The artillery shells are as accurate as eyes, and they have just gathered together in fear. The Soviet army was covered by these artillery shells and once again learned the power of German precision shelling.
However, the political commissar and the overseers forced these frightened birds. Generally, the Soviet Red Army still crustily crossed the river because of the rainy season, and the river was relatively shallow. Most Soviet troops waded across the river with guns.
"Is this suicide?" An experienced German machine gunner pulled a bolt and then pulled the trigger mercilessly. The German machine gun sounded like sawing wood and tearing cloth, but it brought the Soviet army in the river not beautiful music but painful death.
There is no more efficient way to kill people than this. It is as simple as shooting. Soviet soldiers are moving slowly in the river, tripping over water and stones from time to time. Machine guns are like wheat cutters, sweeping these wet Soviet Red Army into the water. Soon the river is dyed red, and thousands of Soviet soldiers float on the water and have no interest.
The old sniper in Highland touched his pocket again and found that his magazines had all been emptied. There were dozens of g43 sniper rifle magazines lying around him. Just now, he didn’t remember how many guns he had shot, but he was conservative to find that he had killed dozens of enemy soldiers less.
The Soviet attack was defeated, and several political commissars roared and looked at the bodies all over the mountains. They still didn’t believe that the enemy was too strong, and they still thought it was hateful that Ukrainian bastards didn’t do their last strength.
"Get kv1 tanks and 26! Show these Germans! What is an armored force! " Looking at the red river teachers around commissar comrade bold ordered.
Chapter 217 216 River Beach War
"enemy tanks!" A German soldier shouted that not far from the river, a dozen Soviet tanks were trying to wade across the river and attack the German position.
Two soldiers carrying iron fist rocket launchers bent forward in the trench and soon came to the position where they had been ready to attack, but there were too many tanks in front of them. A dozen Soviet tanks had reached the middle of the river.
This river is full of corpses of the Soviet Red Army. It is estimated that many Soviet tanks can’t float with their bags on their backs. Most Soviet tanks are moving forward smoothly, and it seems that they will cross the river successfully soon. With the cover of tanks, the casualties of infantry behind them are obviously not so heavy, and they are brave enough to rush forward.
Soon, due to the different depths of the river, two 26 tanks put out the fire in the water like two reefs, and the turret could be adjusted to point at the German position on the other side of the river. With these tanks, Soviet troops boarded the opposite bank for the first time.
"Boom!" A German anti-tank gun in the bush was the first to fire and hit the body of a Soviet 26 tank that had just crossed the river and landed. The tank armor was directly penetrated and moved forward for one meter, and a Soviet tank hand with blood all over his face climbed out of the tank. Before struggling, it stuck to the tank hatch and there was no movement.
The tank was destroyed, and the Soviet infantry behind it was out of order, and soon it was knocked down by machine guns. However, the Soviet artillery was revived at this time, and there may be only a few cannons left. At this time, the fire shells fell on the German positions, although it was not dense, but it was obvious that the German machine guns moved their positions. The infantry was beaten by the Soviet tank machine guns without fire cover.
A German soldier was hit by a stray bullet as soon as he showed his head. He lay back in the trench and stopped breathing in an instant. A nearby German soldier climbed over and took a look at him, then picked up his rifle and left the trench.