People have been whispering to each other, boasting that nine planets’s tribute is full of strong fragrance from nine planets’s tribute, but Liu Shuaifu, the owner of nine planets’s tribute, is blindsided. He is bright in his heart. You will know that this intoxicating fragrance is not his nine planets tribute, but Pi two dog’s fate wine!

He said with horror, Oh, my God, isn’t Pi two dog’s wine just baked as a rookie wine? Why is it so much more fragrant than I have aged for fifty years?
Compared with the fate wine, my 50-year-old nine planets tribute wine is just dregs!
Today’s handicap is not 20 thousand or 200 thousand, but 2 million!
At that time, Liu Shuai Buddha body was sweating, pale and pale, staring at Pi two dog airway. "Boss Pi, aren’t you just a rookie wine? How did you get the smell of wine? "
Seeing that Liu Shuaifu is so nervous is a bit desperate. Suddenly Pi two dog is a dark and cool way. "Boss Liu, this is the core secret of the factory!"
"Hum little tricks with me! Whether a bottle of wine is good or not is not only the smell, but also the taste! You’re going to lose. Wait! " Liu Shuai Buddha strong calm way
"Okay, I’ll wait!" Pi two dog replied in an orderly way
At this time, all eyes were focused on the 20 volunteers. There were two tables in front of the queue, one for table 1 and the other for table 2. If you think it’s delicious, throw a red ticket.
The first volunteer let the strong smell of wine fascinate him, so he couldn’t wait to grab a cup. First, he took a shallow sip, and then he stared at the road. "Wow, good wine!"
When Ye Miaoyin saw that he boasted that it was a bad wine, he immediately rejoiced and said, "Sir, there is another cup for you to taste!"
The stingy man grabbed the second glass of wine and sucked up the smack. "Wow, good wine and good wine! They are all kings of wine! "
The stingy man felt that he had made a mistake when he had two cups. Ye Miaoyin woke him up and said, "If both cups are good, then you can vote red on both sides."
The stingy man rushed to get the money after voting for two red tickets.
Then it was the second volunteer’s turn. This man was a broad-minded and fat man. After drinking two glasses of wine, he voted red for table 1 and blue for table 2.
Liu Shuai Buddha secretly secretly pleased way "skin boss table number one must be my nine planets tribute! I am the king of wine! "
"Who is the king of wine?"
Look at table No.1, where five volunteers have voted for the red ticket. Look at table No.2, where there is a solitary red ticket and the rest are blue tickets. Liu Wen couldn’t help whispering to Pi two dog, "Brother Dog is not good! Isn’t table one the nine planets bar? Look at six red tickets! It’s over! "
When this statement came out, two dog had a bitter face, just like the dumb eating Huang Lian.
Look at Liu Shuaifu, the owner of nine planets Distillery, and his familiar peers and a group of tobacco and alcohol agents all regard Table No.1 as nine planets Distillery. Everyone laughs.
So a few sycophants shouted around Liu Shuaifu and said, "Congratulations, Boss Liu, have you seen ten red tickets for Table No.1? It’s unreasonable for nine planets to not win the tribute!"
"Ha ha, boss Cao, don’t congratulate me yet. What if it’s not nine planets wine?" Liu Shuai Buddha’s mouth is modest, but he is happy. He said that Niang No.1 table is not my wine, so I won’t believe it! Table one, it’s me. Me!
"Hey, I don’t believe in evil if it’s not you at Table 1!"
"Yes, Boss Liu, look over there. I heard that your two wine fights have attracted more than a dozen media reporters, so many long guns and short guns are pointing at you!"
"Boss Liu, you are rich today, and you can win two million yuan, and you can also seal the wine king, which means that the TV station will help you advertise!"
There’s a lot of flattery over there, and here’s Long Xianxiang and Wan Shanhong, these beautiful women are Pi two dog-they’re all going against the weather in two dog, and they’re all complaining.
White warden niece Prynne is also the face so rotten to two dog pass trail "the elder brother of the dog a table so many red tickets who is it? You talk, oh, my God, I’m so anxious. Hey! "
Seeing that Prynne was in such a hurry, Pi two dog looked like a loafer. "I don’t know about this either, but I believe that going against the sky will definitely win me. I am the king of wine!"
"Wrong dog elder brother how Mr. Liu they are all in high spirits as if to celebrate! You see, there are also beautiful reporters interviewing Boss Liu! " Prynne’s face changed and she looked at Pi two dog’s way
"Meow a microphone tube he! Anyway, I won’t lose tonight. The wine king is me! " Pi two dog is full of confidence
"One thousand is not you? Brother dog, why are you so confident? Dare to bet? " Prynne said, wow, I love my dog brother. So many people sing bad songs, but he still swears that instead of panicking, his eyes are firm, so the girl who is on the right track is ashamed.
"If I become the king of wine, will you kiss me for five minutes?" Two dog’s heart says meow. Who can bet on me?
"If you seal the wine king for ten minutes!" Prynne said, Oh, my God, kiss for ten minutes. What should I do if my field is estimated to be in danger?
Taiwan fried the pot, and almost everyone thought that the owner of nine planets Distillery was sure to win.
At this moment, Ye Miaoyin’s sweet voice sounded in the hall, "Ladies and gentlemen of the leading field, nine planets’s tribute wine and fate wine compete for the king of city wine, so stay tuned! Please announce the votes of the two major wines in person! "
As soon as this statement came out, all eyes of the dumb bird focused on the white egg of Huanggu District Governor, accompanied by a click of a photo. The white district governor walked away in high spirits, picked up the microphone and said to Shan Nian, "Ladies and gentlemen, all guests, all media reporters, friends and ladies today, Pi two dog went against the sky and Liu Shuaifu nine planets Distillery had a peak showdown. The winner sealed the king and the loser lost the face. I had the cheek to announce the votes of two major wineries in one city to everyone!"
At some point, the white warden deliberately sold it, but suddenly the temper turned around. "Before announcing the winner of the wine king, please allow me to interject. Today, the reception will be Pi two dog’s fate wine tasting, and everyone may not be familiar with Pi Boss. He is a teenager, and it is not easy for a wage earner to start a business in his hometown by name. Fate wine is a new rookie wine that needs the full support of everyone! No matter what the result is, if you please look at someone’s humble opinion, I have a small request, that is, you must wait until the reception is over. Can you promise, everyone? "
Bai District Chief wanted to help Pi two dog’s rookie wine stir up feelings. As a result, a group of people in Taiwan were so impatient that they clamored, "Bai District Chief, we all promised who is the king of nine planets City wine. Let’s announce the results quickly!"
"Who won? Don’t sell!"
"White district chief, please hurry up and announce the king of wine!"
Seeing that the station fried the pot, the white district chief said firmly, "Let’s be quiet. I announce that the number of votes for nine planets tribute is-"
Chapter 153 Go against wine to sell.
When it comes to the key place, the white warden deliberately paused to really satisfy everyone’s appetite. At this moment, he announced that "a total of 20 votes for nine planets tribute red, 3 votes for blue and 17 votes for blue! Go against the sky, wine, red, thirteen, seven, blue and three! Today, the wine king is going against the sky! Congratulations to Boss Pi! "
As soon as this statement came out, a dumb bird was frozen.
Suddenly, the station exploded, and almost everyone exclaimed.
"Shrimp? Oh, come on. How can the wine king be a fate wine? Going against the sky is a rookie wine? "
"Grass must be wrong! It must be their disadvantages! " Someone with a big protest.
"Mama ah, it’s incredible. It’s fate to win! Two million! "
Two dog, Long Xianxiang, Wan Shanhong and Prynne are full of impossible expressions. They rushed to Table No.1 to confirm the authenticity. When they personally saw that the wine on Table No.1 was really anti-fate, they immediately became ecstatic and said, "God, anti-fate wine won the wine king!"
As soon as those reporters heard that a dark horse ran out, they were also scrambling to shoot the wine against the new wine king. At this time, a reporter shouted, "Where is the owner of the wine king? Let’s interview him! "
On the one hand, Pi two dog was stunned to see a group of reporters coming to interview him. He was busy pushing the pot to Wan Shanhong. "You should remember the interview with Sister Wan. Don’t forget to ask Liu for a bonus of two million yuan!"
"You this guy this is a great event, so many journalists, the host is a great opportunity to become a hit, you want to play low-key? Don’t keep a low profile. There’s nothing wrong with being famous! " Wan Shanhong took him in distress situation.